1.During the civil proceedings, evidence plays a decisive role from the beginning to the end.
2.So the surface morphology, hardness and abrasive of the cold roll play a decisive role on the quality of cold-rolled metal sheets.
3.Generally speaking, bubble pulse is usually an additional damaging effect, while shock wave plays a decisive role.
4.Color is called "the soul of the interior design" , and is the most vivid and active factor with a decisive role.
5."China cannot play a decisive role alone and will watch very carefully what other countries offer, " he said.
6.Police substations as the main strength to maintain social order at community level take a decisive role in the police work.
7.Appropriate choice to work to make the type and quantity of the item, to be able to reach the degree of gloss, have a decisive role.
8.In such a context, human resources development and utilization play a decisive role for the sustainable development of the enterprises.
9.Aaron Ramsey believes the team's summer arrivals have had a decisive role in Arsenal's turnaround this season.
10.and for the evaluation of the quality of jade carving products, the artisans ingenious idea, consummate skills will play a decisive role.